2025 Gaslight Festival Weekend - Arts & Crafts Application
9/12/2025 - 9/14/2025
Refunds are not available after August 1, 2025. Weather conditions are not a condition for refunds.
Access to power MUST BE requested. Booth spaces offering power access are LIMITED.
Please note that if you want to register for more than 1 booth space for the festival, in your 2nd application please make sure to add a number, special character, etc. to make your attendee name different.
Example: Attendee 1: John Smith
Attendee 2: John Smith01
Rules & Regulations:
Only handmade items (made by the exhibitor in the USA) will be allowed. This eliminates airbrush/henna tattoos, pictures or prints (unless originals done by exhibitor). NO BUY/SELL.
Do not submit this application unless ALL items being sold are hand-made in the USA by the exhibitor. If you do not qualify as an Arts & Crafts vendor, please refer to the Commercial Vendor application.
- Applications MUST include (3) 4x6 photos of merchandise to be sold (regardless of past participation). A description of the work, materials used, creation process, must be on the back of each photo submitted.
- (1) 4x6 photo of the artist/crafter in the process of creating items for sale must be submitted. Photos will be returned only if a SASE is enclosed with application.
- Only approved merchandise will be permitted to be sold.
- Anyone having unapproved items or inappropriate to the Arts & Crafts section will be asked to remove them, and may not be invited back in future years.
- Booth Location is NOT GUARANTEED! We will try to honor booth location request, and try to accommodate to the best of our ability.
- A single display space of 10'w X 10'd will be allocated. A maximum of (3) spaces per exhibitor.
- Display furnishings (tents, tables, chairs) must be provided by the exhibitor.
- Exhibitors are responsible for their goods at all times. Security will be onsite, however, the Festival is not responsible for stolen or ruined merchandise.
- Items not allowed in any booth: Knives, guns, sprays, stun-guns, any weapon related item, lasers, potions, roots, obscene or X-rated material, racially sensitive material, tarot cards, palm reading, silly string, graffiti type foam, drug paraphernalia and/or anything depicting drugs or drug use.
- Any food product related item MUST be approved by the Gaslight Festival Committee.
- The use of amplified public address systems, stereos/radios is prohibited. No loud sounds/music.
- Booth must be open throughout the entire festival weekend. Please do NOT close your booth early!
- One electrical outlet per booth is provided (with maximum usage of 150 watts). Exhibitors must provide their own heavy duty extension cords.
- Unapproved usage will result in cancellation of service. Application must state detailed usage.

- Arts & Crafts Booth Fee (Before March 1st): $275
- Arts & Crafts Booth Fee (After March 1st): $325
- Arts & Crafts Booth Fee (After August 1st): $375
Jeffersontown, 40299
The Arts & Crafts weekend will be located along Watterson Trail and Taylorsville Road.
Weekend Festival Hours:
Friday: 7:00PM - 10:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM - 10:00PM
Sunday: Noon - 6:00PM